Sea Wall Extension
The project came to fruition due to a section of Wyomi Beach losing approximately 25 m of dunes from recent storm events. Coastal protection measures were needed urgently to protect The Esplanade and adjacent residential properties.
A rock wall revetment was installed in the first phase as a means of protection, but in the second stage Elcorock sand containers were chosen due to the high cost of rock required for the sea wall. The high cost was due to the long distance to the quarry, whereas sand containers can use sand sourced directly from the beach. Elcorock sand containers were therefore chosen as an economical alternative to rock, while also providing a safer and visually appealing option to residents and beach goers.
Geofabrics had early involvement in the project through interaction with the Kingston SE Council and potential installation contractors. Discussions were had around the method of installation and regarding the likely installation cost of the containers.
Geofabrics’ extensive experience with similar coastal projects was invaluable to council and the eventual contractors. During the tender process Geofabrics communicated with the various bidding contractors regarding the installation process which helped with tender estimations.
The containers were installed by Clarke Bros. Installation training was provided by Geofabrics on site at the beginning of the project to ensure the use of the filling frame was carried out safely and efficiently.
The project comprises a 50 m long sea wall constructed with 2.5 m³ Elcorock sand containers. The solution will protect the sand dunes and existing council infrastructure against the rising sea levels and increasing magnitude of storm events.
The Elcorock solution enabled the council to construct a longer sea wall for their given budget.