Bonnie Vale Campground
National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) in NSW has a long coastline with developed infrastructure that is subject to storms eroding the foreshore and ultimately the infrastructure. The beach front erosion caused the popular Bonnie Vale Campground to be reduced in size. Previous installation of rock rip rap has continued to fail incrementally and has been a hazard to users when climbing over the rip rap to access the beach.
The client, consultant and representatives from Geofabrics walked over the site and discussed the advantages of Elcorock. The client and consultant decided that the 0.75m³ Elcorock bags would provide a structural solution to the erosion and be able to be rapidly installed prior to Christmas when the park is crowded with campers.
Using Elcorock containers instead of rock eliminated the use of heavy trucks which damage the lightly built access road. Also unlike rock, Elcorock does not have any sharp edges - reducing potential for injury or liability that rocks may cause. The sand-filled containers enhance the environmental and public amenity in a high public use area.
Elcorock was installed in a neat flowing wall, gently staggered 5 bags high which allowed the grassed grounds to be re-established.
Upon seeing visitors using the bags as seating and transiting the beach NPWS were impressed and has subsequently specified additional Elcorock walls in other locations.
Elcorock Sea Wall Bonnie Vale Case Study