Biomac® Woolmulch™ is a 100% biodegradable wool matting used in the establishment of trees, shrubs and groundcovers in landscape plantings. It provides erosion protection to the soil during the establishment of the plant root structure.
As Biomac Woolmulch is made from 100% wool, it insulates and helps prevent moisture loss from the soil. Biomac Woolmulch is a thick mat which can also help suppress weed growth and release valuable plant nutrients as the mat degrades.

- Suited for use in commercial and residential landscaping, horticulture and re-vegetation applications
- Ideal for erosion control on planted slopes located along road edges
- Provides insulation by keeping soil cool in summer and warm in the hotter seasons to facilitate improved plant growth, all-year round
- Inhibits the development of weeds during early plant growth
- Increases soil water retention
- Biodegrades to provide plant nutrients during growth
- 100% biodegradable matting, made from wool
Biomac Woolmulch is installed over well prepared soil and firmly fixed in place to ensure good intermit contact. It can be placed around the base of plants or holes can be cut into the mat after installation for individual plantings.