Coastal erosion is a significant problem in the Pacific with rising sea levels, extreme storms and climate change having a significant impact on shorelines.
Coastal environments are subject to nature’s aggressive forces exacerbated during storm activity. Coastlines are increasingly vulnerable during these events, resulting in erosion that can impact the amenity and safety of public space, infrastructure and property.
Geofabrics Australasia provides flexible and robust solutions which are designed to reduce the effects of coastal and estuarine erosion while maintaining safety and amenity for residents and the community. Elcorock® Geotextile Sand Containers are designed to be filled with local sand or gravel mix to build durable seawalls or revetments, groynes, breakwaters and shoreline embankments.
Geofabrics CEO & Managing Director, Dennis Grech comments: "We continue to take great strides in expanding our best-in-class Australian-made geosynthetic range into new and exciting export markets. We are particularly proud of our Elcorock product range, a shoreline protection solution made in Queensland and supported by our local Geosynthetic Research Innovation & Development (GRID) Centre.
We have deployed these sand filled geotextile containers into many harsh coastal environments throughout the world. In the Pacific region specifically, we have provided coastal erosion solutions to communities particularly vulnerable and at risk to coastal erosion - protecting lives, family homes, businesses and local communities. We see the Pacific Region as an opportunity share our knowledge, experience, and innovation mindset with our neighbours.
Our efforts to grow our export markets has seen Geofabrics be recognised as Australia’s Exporter of the Year in Environmental Solutions. The ongoing support and encouragement from the Queensland Government is greatly appreciated.''
Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing, Glenn Butcher congratulated Geofabrics for their growth and ambition in the international market: "Last year, I spent Australian Manufacturing Week visiting manufacturing businesses, which have received Queensland Government grants. Geofabrics received a Made in Queensland grant through round one and it’s fantastic to see they’ve gone from strength to strength since that time.
Manufacturing is worth more than $20 billion a year to the Queensland economy and the Palaszczuk Government is committed to arming local businesses with the tools and skills to deliver products to the global market, which is in turn creating more jobs and economic growth right here in our backyard.''